Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Argosy, Bikini Edition?

So, I know Vyvyan said she was quitting after the baby blanket version, but I'm with Alan Jackson: "Too Much of a Good Thing is a Good Thing".

Ha, ha..Kidding! This is a washcloth. My Mother it looked like underwear at this point, but I assured her that it was not. I needed a little knitting mixed in with all that seaming, which is almost done, by the way. I decided to nix the "miter posed on the bedspread" pic in this post, but just wait. Soon there will be no end of the blanket pictures. You'll be wishing I'd go back to knitting my undies.


Kristina said...

We are so creepy. I started that scarf three times last week. Evidently I knit backwards, so my SSK do not work. So I have to find someone else who knits backwards to walk me through it or learn to knit properly. How can I have been going backwards for 6 years?!

Anonymous said...

I love that colorway! And a bikini would be a neat new Argosy version...should I?? Maybe for a Barbie. But maybe not! ;)