Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Christopher Stinking Columbus

Who watched Gilmore Girls last night??? I did, at nine. Had to tape it because I went to the jazz band's concert (which was pretty much amazing, not gonna lie). Sigh..I miss jazz band..I don't miss getting up at 5:30 in the morning to go to jazz band, but I miss the music part. I'm in handbell choir here, and well. It's fun, but it's not the same. It's pretty hard, actually. Anyway.
Gilmore Girls. Oh my goodness, it ended and we were all screaming "No!!!"..haha..My roomie and I get pretty into GG b/c it's honestly the only thing we watch on t.v. Sometimes we pop in a movie on the weekend, but other than that, nada. Well, ok, she watches the weather channel for "local on the 8's" or whatever it's called. I don't b/c I'm usually gone before she gets up in the morning...
Ahh! I can't believe it! The preview for next week's episode was so funny..can't wait!!
This entry is basically the result of not wanting to do my stat hw. Doing my stat hw is about to be the result of not having anything else to write...

1 comment:

Ragan said...

Wow, handbells....
Do you wear the white gloves? Cool.
Stalling on homework...ahh...I remember those days!!!