Saturday, April 14, 2007

Now What?

Remember, back at the end of September, when I started this thing??
Look how far we've come since then!

I sort of wimped out on the border...I "cro-Kayed" all the way around, and decided that I liked the way it looked, and I really really really did not want to rip out and do something different, so I'm leaving it like that. For now, at least.
I like how it doesn't take away from the psycho effect.

Hah! Like it could.

And I'm glad to be done, I really am. But now I don't know what to do with myself. It's weird not be working on this. It's weird to be done.

I mean, I've got other projects I'm working on. But it's not this. Sigh.


Kristina said...

You could come finish mine. It will NEVER be done. I've actually started a sweater to avert it. Lol. I'm so envious!

Kristina said...

On facebook: I go to Michigan State University and my profile picture is me standing next to an Egyptian camel statue (I know, I know).

=joy= said...

that is such a GREAT blanket. fabulous work and patience! i would get so bothered by weaving in the ends i would probably cry. great job!

Anonymous said...

Your blanket is gorgeous! I hope you celebrated finishing up by eating something chocolatey!

Ragan said...

WOW!! Your blanket is lovely!!! Sorry that I am so late in seeing it for the first time!
It has been very busy here as the school year is coming to an end. (I teach middle school....)

Anonymous said...

Love the blanket! I'm thinking I should start my own. Very inspiring.